Welcome to Mentee Resources

Whether you’re currently applying to graduate school, considering applying to graduate school in the future, or looking to build your resume for graduate school, we hope that this page can be helpful to you.

How to Prepare for Virtual Grad Interviews

Looking for advice on how to ace the virtual graduate interview? We compiled some advice from multiple sources to help you feel prepared.

Past events from SNAAP

What: Selecting a Grad Program

When: March 30, 2021 @2:30-4pm PST

Where: Zoom Meeting ID: 998 6477 3044 Password: 033021

More Info:

  • We’ll have a few students, postdocs and a new faculty member chat about what criteria they find important in selecting a grad program

Zoom Audio Recording:

Chat Transcript (anonymized for participant names):

Past events from Other Programs

What: Deciding Between PhD Offers

When: March 18, 2021

Where: Zoom Meeting ID: 947 4219 7870 Passcode: PSHORT
More info:

What: Do’s and Don’ts of Interviews

When: Jan. 29, 4-5:30pm Atlantic Standard Time

Where: Zoom Meeting ID: 943 9767 6144 Passcode: 410917
More info:

What: PhD Insights w/ Women in STEM

When: Feb 2. 6-7:30pm GMT

Where: Zoom Meeting ID: 949 0779 1897 Passcode: 1h2pUh
More info: